Creating Faster, More Insightful Reports as a Data-Driven Consulting Agency

Creating Faster, More Insightful Reports as a Data-Driven Consulting Agency

Creating Faster, More Insightful Reports as a Data-Driven Consulting Agency




Client Profile: A consulting agency with a specialized team of research analysts who spend significant time gathering and analyzing information. These professionals rely on a variety of internal and external sources to address client challenges through research that is clearly communicated in presentation format.

Challenge: Extracting valuable insights from disparate sources can be a time-consuming and inefficient process. Analysts spend hours scouring Google or querying ChatGPT, as well as combing through internal spreadsheets, reports, and databases to pull together the relevant information needed to prepare insightful client reports. These efforts are inefficient and result in limited access to critical insights, high research costs, and sluggish new member onboarding.




We implemented an AI-powered research platform that transforms the way researchers access and analyze data. This platform provides:

  • Unified Data Integration: The platform seamlessly integrates with existing databases and internal documents, creating a single source of truth for all research needs. Imagine instant and seamless access to all internal work products to minimize redundant efforts and empower new research team members with institutional knowledge from day one.

  • Natural Language Search: Analysts can query data in plain English, asking questions like:

    • "Pull up all go-to-market strategies for small molecules in indication X in the US from the last 18 months."

    • "Get me a list of all investors in the oncolytic virus space for the EU market with an active Series B fund."

  • Advanced Analytics Tools: AI algorithms automatically identify patterns, trends, and correlations within the data, allowing analysts to explore connections not readily apparent through traditional methods.




This AI-powered research approach empowered analysts to unlock hidden insights, improve client deliverables, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

  • Reduced Research Costs: Faster analysis translates to reduced research costs, allowing agencies to deliver more value for their clients and improve their bottom line.

  • Deeper Data Exploration: AI-powered tools enable analysts to uncover hidden trends and connections within the data, leading to more informed recommendations and actionable insights for clients.

  • Increased Analyst Productivity: By simplifying data access and analysis, the AI platform facilitates a 20% increase in analyst productivity, allowing them to complete projects faster and dedicate more time to strategic insights, presentation quality, and overall client satisfaction.

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Are you AI curious?

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